Monday 1 June 2015

Growing Piper Betel In Pots.

The latest addition to my potted garden is this teeny tiny little Piper betel plant.The Piper Betel plant belongs to the pepper family and is a slender evergreen shade loving creeper that has aromatic heart shaped Dark green glossy leaves.It can be easily grown in pots,containers,hanging baskets or as ground cover.The leaves are edible they pack a punch and are pungent in taste.In India the leaves are used in religious ceremonies,marriages and other customs.It is offered to guests as a part of welcoming and is also eaten as a digestive and breath freshener after meals.The leaves are known to have medicinal properties according to Ayurveda .Its also a culinary herb that is used in cooking from Rasam in South India  to Crab curry in Thailand or as spring roll Wrappers in Vietnam it is an important kitchen garden herb that is often underrated.

The Piper Betel vines can be propagated by simply placing the stems in water till they root and then the once the stem starts to get some new growth of leaves you can transplant it in a pot.The Piper Betel vine prefers a shaded spot away from direct sunlight and strong winds as the leaves may get scorched due to the heat of direct sunlight and bruised due to strong winds.So choose a shady spot which is not windy for the plant to grow.Betel plants require fertile soils which drain well and remain moist but not waterlogged.Organic matter and compost rich soils are perfect.

Once the vine grows big a trellis or moss stick can be provided for support and which will also help the vine to creep as it grows almost to a meter in height.Remove any leaves that turn yellow to keep it looking green at all times.

So here's hoping that my piper betel gets lots of TLC(tender loving care) by me and grows and flourishes in the future I will keep you all posted about the development in the plant.

Close up Photo of piper betel leaf

Till then take care and enjoy gardening!!

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