Tuesday 1 September 2015

How To Grow And Care For Mexican Tube Rose/Polianthes Tuberosa In Pots Or Containers.

Polianthes Tuberosa is native to Mexico hence its also known as Mexican Tuberose it belongs to the Agave family.It is a half hardy  bulbous perennial .It is also known by other names such as Rajnigandha,Nishigandha ,Gulcheri,Josephs staff,Azucena,Gul Shaboo etc. Its perfect for scented gardens,exotic gardens or any garden.

Mexican Tuberose flowers are borne in clusters on a single stem that emerges out from the tubers beneath the soil.The flowers begin to  bloom from the bottom towards the spike at the top.They are highly aromatic, waxy  and are generally white in color, there are cultivars such as The Pearl, that have double petals and the buds are slightly pinkish in color.The flowers are used in floral arrangemets, in making artistic garlands.floral ornaments,bouquets,buttonholes or as cut flowers.There are four varieties of Polianthes Tuberosa Single,Semi Double,Double and Variegated.

Propagation of Mexican tuberose is done by diving the bulbs.Mexican tuberosa reproduce fast and in no time clumps will have mature bulbs that can be divided further to produce more blooms .Pull the bulb like tubers from the main tuber separating each bulb into a new individual plant.Its important to plant the tubers immediately after dividing them.

Any type of organic fertilizer can be used  also a layer of Organic mulch can be applied before the plant sets out to bloom it keeps a check on unwanted weed growth and provides nutrition .

Use good potting medium mixed with composted matter or matured cow manure if growing Mexican Tuberose in pots or containers.Also make sure to use well draining soil.A little moisture and humidity is required for optimum growth of Mexican Tuberose.Place the plant in a spot that receives full sunlight or in a place where the plant can get at least 5 to 6 hrs of direct sunlight.It can also be grown in partial shade.The plant needs deep watering so water it regularly to help it in establishing its rootstock.

Keep in mind that once a bulb sets out a flowering stem it will not bloom again so its best to remove bulbs that have bloomed for the season or has finished blooming .The only pests that effect Mexican tuberose plants are snails and slugs to get rid of them you can sprinkle broken and  crushed eggs shells or place snail and slug baits in the garden.

Remove dead spent blooms to keep the cluster looking neat and fresh,if using Mexican Tuberose as cut flowers in a vase add half a teaspoon of sugar to the water before placing the flowers in and change the water daily they will last for many days this way and will also keep fresh.

                                                   Happy Gardening To All !!