The pretty and petite Indian rose is a delight not only for the eyes but also the senses,the scent lingers on and the blooms stay for weeks altogether on the plant before they finally start to fade and eventually fall off.The roses may appear as a single bloom or in clusters of six roses or more that bloom one by one making the rose plant look full and attractive.The bloom shades vary from crimson to dark pink depending on the soil type and presence of different minerals in varying proportions.

Some say the Indian rose is a hybrid of Rosa Damask that came from Persia some say its called Gruss An Teplitz a rose that was bred by Rudolf Geshwind of Austria but whatever the breed or name maybe its adapted itself to the climate,soil,and other conditions here in India and now has become a native and is know as the Indian rose or Desi Gulab.
These Indian roses due its sweet scent is often used to make a rose petal preserve or rose jam which is known as Gulkand,it has a cooling effect on the body and is had with a glass of milk,it is also used to make rosewater, perfume and as offerings for deities.
The Indian rose plant can be easily grown in any type of soil but needs good fertilization to grow and produce blooms.Its always a good idea to start with manure as a base for any rose plant in its initial stage of growing this ensures a strong root system with good growth,gradually then you can introduce other types of organic fertilizers.
Instead of dumping used egg shells into the waste bin save them,every time to use eggs wash and dry the shells then store them until you have enough to make this wonderful egg shell brew by boiling the shells in water 20 shells for a little over a liter of water because once you boil this mix you need to have at least a liter left,once cool you can pour the water in your rose plants this brew will give your roses a boost of calcium and potassium.
Epsom salt contains sulfate and magnesium are important minerals that a rose plant needs, mix 1 tablespoonful of Epsom salt into a liter of water,use this to water your roses instead of plain water this mix can also be sprayed on the rose foliage.

These Indian roses due its sweet scent is often used to make a rose petal preserve or rose jam which is known as Gulkand,it has a cooling effect on the body and is had with a glass of milk,it is also used to make rosewater, perfume and as offerings for deities.
The Indian rose plant can be easily grown in any type of soil but needs good fertilization to grow and produce blooms.Its always a good idea to start with manure as a base for any rose plant in its initial stage of growing this ensures a strong root system with good growth,gradually then you can introduce other types of organic fertilizers.
Epsom salt contains sulfate and magnesium are important minerals that a rose plant needs, mix 1 tablespoonful of Epsom salt into a liter of water,use this to water your roses instead of plain water this mix can also be sprayed on the rose foliage.
Burn old newspapers or magazines,coconut husks and shells,twigs,wood chips etc and sprinkle the leftover ash on the soil this ash contains nitrogen and other minerals however don't overdo this part because excess nitrogen can cause yellowing of leaves and burn the roots of your plants or may even kill the plant so be careful apply this ash only once a month it should suffice.
For Homemade spray to get rid of mealy bugs,aphids,scale,spider mites or white flies but first try a patch test on the plant to check that it does not burn it before going ahead and spraying it all over only after you ascertain everything is fine you use the spray all over,to make the spray mix 1 tsp of vegetable oil with 1 tsp baby shampoo or dish washing liquid add a tsp of baking soda to a large cup of water mix well and pour into a spray bottle use this spray all over the rose plant,make sure you get beneath the leaves as well,leave it for an hour then water it down with a hose,do this twice a week until you get rid of all the pests.
Whenever you see leaves on the rose plant turning yellow get rid of it immediately don't wait for it to fall of on its own,also remove blooms are faded and spent, most of the times faded old rose blooms tend to seed (rose hips)this drains the rose plant of its energy causing it to cease flowering or growing new shoots, so to encourage new growth and more buds cut off faded roses and keep your rose plants healthy and safe from fungus and mold diseases that easily effect rose plants,it will also make your rose plants look neat and pretty.
When cutting off Rose blooms, ensure that your shears or scissors are clean before you use them, disinfect it by rubbing it with a cloth soaked in some alcohol or by simply washing it with soap and water and then wiping dry with a clean cloth this prevents any harmful bacteria from getting into the cuttings. Always cut the stem on a slant or on an angle where it meets a new leaf line or bud eye.Cut roses early in the morning before the sun gets to hot or preferably in the evenings.
Rose plants also grow suckers which are often confused with new growth, and if not attended these sucker cause slow growth, flowering issues with the concerned rose plant ,now what are these suckers exactly?Suckers are growth of new stems that emerge or protrude from under the soil or just below the knot of the graft they grow rapidly and suck most of the nutrients hence the term sucker.A sucker is very easy to identify it is light green in color and has seven leaves and is often thorny and ribbed,to get rid of them simply push and clear away the soil from the area where the sucker has emerged,twist and pull off rather than cutting it,cutting stimulates the growth of more suckers.
Rose plants dont like water logging so make sure you water them only when the soil feels dry,water twice in case the weather is too hot.Never water rose blooms stay away from them when you are watering this way they last longer and the petals do not get bruised.
Keep your rose plants away from places that are windy or have strong winds blowing frequently.
The last and most important thing when growing rose plants treat them well with all the love and care like you would with your loved ones. Most of the times people complain that i use this,and i do that,i do this but my rose plants don't seem to be doing good that's because you do everything right except you don't shower your plants with care and attention.At times just a touch may do all the magic to a plant that even a fertilizer cant do!!
I found this rose plant lying near a sidewalk it must have belonged to someone who got tired of it and decided to throw it off, the rose plant showed signs of being alive as it had its roots intact,i decided to give it a shot and got it home, gave it place some place in my potted garden along with my other plants since then it has only flourished and grown and it shows its happy by producing lovely pink fragrant roses all around the year.
Love changes everything for good including your plants !!

Wow.. this love therapy always work.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the knowledge you have shared. I strongly believe that you should love your plants like humans, touch them, talk to them and clean them regularly.
ReplyDeleteAmazing post!
ReplyDeleteAny Rose lover reading the comments? Do check the blog on Rose Growing Techniques. Its one of the BEST Rose blog I have ever read!
Thank me later!
I think this is Slater's Crimson China and not Gruss an Teplitz. Gruss an Teplitz has broad leaves with red lining.