Friday 5 June 2015

How To Grow White Frangipani /Singapore Frangipani in Pots.

White Frangipani can be easily grown as a small shrub in pots,it belongs to the Oleander family and is highly toxic.Its a drought resistant plant.The flowers are waxy with five petals and are white in color and with a tinge of yellow in the center and has a strong heady aroma and the leaves are long dark green in color and glossy.The frangipani plant oozes out a toxic white sticky liquid that looks like milk when a leaves or flowers are plucked.
.The plant does well in a sunny spot and prefers tropical climate. Its pretty much a low maintenance plant that requires watering and can do very well without any fertilization.The flowers appear in a cluster and usually bloom towards the evenings.
In Thailand there is a dish called Sai Mok Kap Dokmai( deep fried frangipani fritters)that is served with a sweet chili dipping sauce,so i guess the flowers are edible though i never tried it for myself.
The flowers are often used for worship and are also used to make leis or flower garlands.Scented Frangipani flowers can be floated in water along with candles this can be used as a center piece for your table .

To begin with I picked up my Frangipani plant from the nursery around about 2 years back there were many varieties and colors but i stuck to the traditional white variety of frangipani,I also didn't want the plant to go through the torture and trauma of transplantation so i choose a very big cement pot That was about 2 feet in height lined the base with husks and then filled it with 30 kgs of good  garden soil after placing the plant in,that's pretty much it occasionally provide it with some cow cakes and urine (since chemical fertilizers  are a big No No)and we are doing good.

 Close Up Picture

Inflorescence appearing in the center

Flower that has just blossomed

Cluster of fully opened flowers

                                                                  Frangipani Close up

Frangipani growing in the terrace garden.

Close up pic of the Frangipani pot

Frangipani Flowers From my garden adorning my 
Buddhist monk dolls.

Since the first cluster of flowers appeared about a month back or so it has been blooming everyday and i love it.Hope and pray my sweet tree keeps providing me with its fragrant blooms forever.

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